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Лист ННО и ИГ

  Государство и НПО
  Объявляется конкурс!!!
  Intersectoral meetings
  Interagency meetings
   Образование в Каракалпакстане


Архив изданий ННО

  Журнал "Радуга жизни"
  Журнала Инициатива


Лидеру ННО

  Станичка ВОЛОНТЕРА
  Станичка ДОНОРА
  Спавочник ННОшника


Ссылки на ННО и ИГ


Молодежный клуб «Фламинго» при ННО «Ренессанс»

  Станичка ДОНОРА

Федерация Каратэ Республики Каракалпакстан

  Союз Защиты Арала и Амударьи

ННО "Ренессанс"


Арал Диалог




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В поликлиниках Нукуса в рамках гос программы бесплатно раздаются йодсодержащие, железосодержащие,  противозачаточные средства...

Interagency and Intersectoral meetings


Interagency and Intersectoral meetings

are the brain of general NGO activity in Karakalpakstan:

· Interagency meetings take place once monthly on Saturdays. These meetings, which are a pioneering initiative by the Umir Nuri Child Survival Program, are semi-informal where the various international agencies operating in the Karakalpakstan region get together for a 2-3 hour discussion on issues of common interest at the CSP Umir Nuri office. If your organization is interested in participation – you may contact Counterpart Child Survival Program (organizer and secretariat of the meetings), which is located at the address:  Kurbanov Str., 4, Nukus, Karakalpakstan (Near Economic Faculty, Karakalpak State University.

Ph.: (+998 61) 223 67 15, (+998 61) 223 64 80, Fax: (+998 61) 223 64 51

E-mail: cspnukus@onilne.ru

All information about the organizations-participants of the meeting is available here:

Intersectoral meetings are convened at the Ministry of Health, where the agencies meet with the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Karakalpakstan. Meeting participants get a chance to discuss issues with the government. The intersectoral meetings started following a feeling that the interagency meetings lacked the official backing necessary to actually affect policy. The CSP plays a convener role for both these meetings.

The Networking and advocacy strategy is founded on the following principles

· Regular interagency and intersectoral meetings help in getting like- minded organizations together, and in giving them a forum to interact with the Ministry of Health and each other.

· These links and collaboration help in getting people together, and in getting them to articulate their views on issues of common interest.

· Finding common areas of interest and assisting in whatever way possible (for example – World TB day) is a good way of making and keeping friends.
Networking and advocacy help these agencies in the following way:

  1. Deciding and marking out geographic territories of involvement
  2. Enhancing the visibility of the agencies and the development community in the region
  3. Avoiding of duplication of efforts directed at a common purpose by discussing plans and strategies at interagency and intersectoral meetings
  4. Discovering potential areas of collaboration and partnerships between organizations

MSF has discussed possibilities for collaborative research in the future on areas like

º          Persistent organic pollutants and risk communication

º          Anemia, especially in women and children

º          Building of capacity of educational institutions in doing research on issues related to environmental health

  1. Learning from each others experiences which are shared at interagency and intersectoral meetings
  2. Advocacy for issues of common interest by presenting a stronger voice to policy makers

The Counterpart CSP has already taken the lead in organizing interagency and intersectoral meetings on a regular basis. A further step towards emphasizing the identity of the program would be to organize a scientific conference, or seminar, or symposium centered around Child Survival issues of relevance to the region. Besides contributing to the knowledge base on Child survival in the region, it would serve as an excellent platform for all stakeholders – donors, policy makers and communities to come together on a scientific platform and exchange information and views relating to child survival. The achievements of the program could also be presented to the group and their suggestions on future directions be solicited. 

Yulia Crosslink International kkpofs@rol.ru Ronald, manila 223 21 04 Saturday iulia_das@rambler.ru  

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